An Integrative and Functional Medicine approach

Our mission at Connect Health has always been to take a proactive, preventative and personalized approach to optimal health.  More than ever, an integrative and functional approach is the best strategy not just to  reduce your risk of any infectious disease and its complications but also to thrive!

Optimizing all aspects of your health including your immune system is the best strategy to remaining resilient in the face of infectious threats.  This is why integrative and functional medicine is even more relevant given the risk of COVID 19.

An Integrative and functional medicine approach takes into account the complex interplay between a person’s unique genetics, biochemistry and all aspects of environmental exposure including lifestyle and external agents like infections, toxins etc.

In response to the COVID 19 situation, we have shifted to a virtual model to see patients via phone or telemedicine platforms.   We are committed to continuing to provide all of our patients uninterrupted care in their programs.  For new patients, our Initial Consult can be done virtually.

Our team is committed to staying up to date on all clinical matters regarding COVID -19.  We will be reviewing and providing up to date reports and analysis of emerging research to help you stay informed on how to reduce your risk as well treatment recommendations.

Our doctors are uniquely positioned to help sort through the data and provide valuable actionable insights as they are functional medicine trained doctors who still actively work in the ER. They bring a broad perspective from both the acute care medical side to the preventative, whole person wellness side.