When my brother transferred to long term care with complex medical and mobility issues, he was given good care and was stabilized. When it became apparent his newly restrained lifestyle in long term care was his new reality, the part of him which still craved adventure, risk, and wide-open spaces surfaced. Despite regular outings with family, he was restless.
That’s when the facility introduced a music therapist into his life. Drew had been a talented musician on keyboards, performing blues, rock and classical music in Vancouver, across BC, and Europe. He stopped playing when he felt his hands “couldn’t go where he wanted them to or go fast enough”.
The music therapist quickly tuned in to his talent, and after spending time supporting and encouraging Drew, he began playing three different pianos throughout the home. He played for himself, for staff and gave short performances for residents. Through this renewed outlet we watched him become more settled, appreciated by and connected to others. More himself again.
Music has a long history as a healing modality dating back many thousands of years. Every culture has a way of incorporating drumming, songs, instruments such as flutes, lutes, harps or the layered vibrations of singing bowls into healing practices.
“Pythagoras, an ancient Greek philosopher, used music to treat bodily and psychological ailments. He proposed that by listening to music, one could comprehend and retrace the outer “physical” harmony of the universe, which would lead to a state of inner “mental” harmony thus reestablishing balance in the body and helping to cure mental disorders. He was thought to be the first person to prescribe music as medicine.” (1)
Studies since show how listening to music and especially playing an instrument or singing, positively affects the immune system, the nervous and hormonal systems, and activates areas of the brain that can help diminish pain, lower blood pressure, and express emotion. (2)
After WW1 and WW2, community musicians played for injured and traumatized veterans in hospitals. The noted positive results, both physically and mentally for the veterans, led to music becoming more formally introduced as a therapy in the 1940s. Music Therapy curricula were developed in several colleges and universities. (3)
As recent scientific evidence continues to demonstrate the value of music in healing and educational settings, there continues however to be a need for more therapists in healing centres, and more music programs in schools.
One of the most common mental health challenges around the globe in both older and young people is anxiety. Whether it’s due to an inability to control surroundings or the discovery of the unpredictability of the world, it seems music therapy can help. One music therapy strategy particularly powerful is improvisation. It can assist people to become more comfortable with “making things up as you go along”, in a safe setting. (4)
Simon Kendall has been improvising since he was very young. A well-known Vancouver musician in jazz, blues, and rock and roll (think Doug and the Slugs); Simon discovered over time the healing power of his music, not only for himself, but for others.
Late last year, a mutual friend suffered a devastating loss; the sudden death of a loved one. Simon invited her to visit his East Vancouver studio, on her own or with a support person, and relax as he improvised on the grand piano. Immersed for an hour in the soulful, introspective melodies, she felt an access and a freedom to express grief she had known was there but for which she had not been able to find an outlet. She has been grateful since for the experience and is slowly integrating those feelings into daily life. It takes time to process grief; having a safe place to express it deeply often leads to discoveries and healing.
We have all had the experience of feeling the effects of music on our mood or motivation – to stir us to complete chores or dance away a night; to calm nerves after a challenging day or benefit from music designed to help with sleep. The next time you choose a piece of music, ask yourself “for what purpose am I choosing this?” Then take a moment to notice how it is affecting you.
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