Booking your appointment:
- Please call our front desk to book your appointment or use on-line booking if offered by your practitioner.
- Indicate if you are requesting a virtual or in-person visit, and for what reason.
Pre-visit screening questionnaire and telephone call:
- You will be required to complete an on-line Pre-visit Screening self-Declaration questionnaire and Liability waiver (link here) prior to your visit. An on-line questionnaire link will also be available on our website for completion. You will also receive a link to the on-line questionnaire on your email/text appointment reminder.
- If we do not receive a completed pre-visit screening questionnaire the day before your appointment, you will receive a phone call from our staff.
- If you have any flu-like symptoms, you will be asked to reschedule when your symptoms have resolved.
Your visit:
- Please do not come to the clinic if you have a fever, chills, cough, headache are displaying any other COVID-19 symptoms or if you think you have been exposed to COVID-19. If you are unsure, please use the Government of BC’s COVID-19 self assessment tool.
- Please do not come more than 5 minutes before your visit. We will only be allowing a maximum of 3 patients to be in our waiting room at one time. If the waiting room is full, you will be asked to wait in the hallway or in your car. We will then call you when we are able to accommodate you safely in our waiting room.
- Masks must be worn at all times in the clinic. You are required to bring your own mask. If you do not have your own mask, you will need purchase a mask from our front desk.
- Please follow the signage and posters located throughout the clinic with regards to hand hygiene and physical distancing. Please ensure that you maintain the 2 meter distance from our front staff when checking in. Please do not bring visitors. Please bring as few items with you into the clinic as possible to minimize risk of contamination.
- Secondary COVID19 screening: You will be asked to answer a series of screening questions as well as sign a COVID19 Self-Declaration and Waiver if not already submitted. If you have any concerning symptoms, you will be directed to a health care facility for further assessment.
- The clinic will no longer be accepting cash. Credit, debit card or contactless payment is required.
Lab Testing
- We have resumed lab testing at the clinic for those that require it.
- Lab kits: Our staff will arrange with you for a pick-up time for any home lab kits when the clinic is quiet to reduce exposure to other patients in the waiting area.
- Our nurse will provide you with test kit instructions via a phone call.
- For any tests requiring blood draws, our nurse will arrange an appointment time for you to come into the clinic. All clinic regulations will apply (e.g. patient must wear a mask). Blood draws appointments are limited to allow for enhanced cleaning as well as spaced out appointment times to reduce exposure to other patients in the waiting areas.
IV Therapies
- We will resume IV therapies at the clinic on a case by case basis. There will only be one patient at a time in the IV rooms unless all patients are from the same household.
- You will be required to wear a mask, and to bring your own drink if desired. No tea or water will be served.
- IV appointments will be limited to allow for enhanced cleaning as well as spaced out appointment times to reduce exposure to other patients in the waiting areas.
Additional Measures
- Enhanced cleaning protocols are in place. We are cleaning all high frequency touch surfaces every few hours. Chairs and other equipment will be cleaned after every patient.
- Patient appointments will be spaced out to minimize the number of patients within the clinic at any one time.
- We have re-arranged seating within the clinic rooms to maximize distance between you and your practitioner unless the treatment requires physical contact for the administration of a treatment or examination.
- Staff will be screened for any symptoms daily.
- Staff training for hand hygiene, infection control practices and the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
- Continuing to offer virtual appointments.
Connect Health Team